Tango Care
Transport Service

Wheelchair Transportation Service
Serving Ventura & Santa Barbara County

Safety is the top priority at Tango Transportation.


Daniel Canosa, owner of Tango Transport started his wheelchair transportation service with the vision of helping the community by providing transportation to those individuals who are wheelchair enabled in the Santa Barbara and Ventura communities.
Providing transportation by someone who is not only familiar with the area but trained as a certified nursing assistant. He has worked in this trained profession for over 10 years and enjoys the opportunity in not only providing transportation service but in finding the service that fits the need of the client. Services provided are one way, round trip and full aide. Daniel is a Certified Nurse Assistant and licensed caregiver, inquiries may also be made regarding private services.

Wheelchair Transportation Service Options


Perfect for when you only need to be taken to an appointment or just need to be taken home from a doctor’s visit. A great service for anyone who will need to be driven to or from a surgical procedure, medical treatments or physical therapy.


Great for when you need a ride to your appointment and don’t need someone to stay with you. We can come back at a different scheduled time in order to take you back home. Perfect for someone who is attending physical therapy, or a visit to a walk-in clinic.


Our drivers are also experienced caregivers and can be there when you need a hand to hold. With a Companion ride, our driver will pick up the rider from their home, stay at the appointment, and make sure the rider is back home safely.

Private Caregiving

Daniel is both a state certified nurse assistant and licensed caregiver with over 12 years of experience. Skilled in his profession with an innate and determining the need of the client. Services offered in home, in course of transportation or assistance as needed with appointments. Day and Night shifts are available


Reserve your ride today!
Or give us a call directly if you have any questions.

Tango Transportation
Wheelchair Transportation Service
Ventura – Santa Barbara, CA

Tel: (805) 390-5283

Email: [email protected]